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"Our Father in who art in Heaven"...

"Hallowed by your name."  Papa, we claim that place of rest under the shadow of you, Elohim the Creator - we honor you, YHWY the great I AM, and your servant David when he penned Psalm 91.  We declare you, Jehovah Shammah (the Lord is there), you alone are our refuge and our place of safety.  You are God and we are your people. 

"Your Kingdom come." You, Jehovah - Jireh (the Lord provides) have promised to rescue us from every trap and protect us from every disease.  You, Adonai (my great Lord) promised to cover us with your feathers and shelter us under your wings!  We stand on your promises - we adorn your armor - we shout out this protection for any that enter this church or recite this prayer. 

"Your Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."  Open our eyes and let us see how the wicked are punished and evil is destroyed.  Jehovah - Rohi (the Lord is my Shepard) we have made you our refuge!  We have made you, Elyon (The God Most High) our shelter - no evil will conquer me!  No plague will come near my home! Because, You, Jehovah - Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) have promised to order your angels to protect me wherever I go.  They will hold us up with their hands so we won't even hurt a foot on a stone.  We will trample on lions and cobras.  We will crush fierce lions and serpents and demons under our feet!  Johovah - Makaddishkem, (the Lord who sacrifices), sanctify my imagination.  Your will be done, and evil will be destroyed.  There is NO cancer in Heaven and there will be NO cancer in this house!  There is NO disease in Heaven and there will be NO disease in this house!...Shalom (Peace)

"Give us this day our daily bread."  In the second chapter, the twenty-fourth verse, first book by Peter, you word says, "Jesus, bore our sins in HIS body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "By His wounds we have been healed." For, "we were like sheep going astray," but now we have returned to the Shepard and Overseer of our souls...Shalom (Peace)


"And forgive us our sin, as we forgive others."  The Word of God says Jesus forgives ALL my sins and heals ALL my diseases.  Jehovah - Tsidkenu (the Lord our Righteouness) redeems us from death and crowns us with love and tender mercies.  He satisfies my desires and fills my life with good things!  My youth is renewed like the eagles.  I AM HEALED.  Shout it out!  I AM HEALED and made whole by the Word of God, Jehovah - Rapha (The Lord who Heals).  Moses, Caleb and Joshua were healthy and just beginning to serve Jehovah at age eighty and so will I...Shalom (Peace)


"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." "Resist the devil and he will flee from you", satan get thee behind me! In Jesus' mighty name, we take authority over cancer and proclaim it null and void.  We bind cancer in all its forms and set it as the footstool of Jesus.  We proclaim cancer to be evil, we cast it out in all its forms.  We proclaim all in this congregating family to be free from its grasp.  We proclaim all who attend the church to be cleansed from its touch.  We claim all who trod this ground to be rid of its foil.  We stretch your power into the road R-o-W and any who even drive past this Holy Sanctuary shall be cleansed, in Jesus' name!

"For the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours forever."  David's words from 1 Chronicles 29:10-13,

"Praise be to you, Lord, the God of our Father Isreal, from everlasting to everlasting; Yours, O Jehovah, is the Greatness and the Power and the Glory and the Majesty and the Splendor, for everything in the Heavens and Earth is yours;

Yours, Lord, is the Kingdom, you are Exalted as head over all;

Wealth and Honor come from you, You are the Ruler of all things. 

In your hands are Strength and Power to exalt and give Strength to all.

Now our Savior and Lord Jesus, Yeshua...we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." AMEN

Elders Prayer for Protection and Healing

Kremmling Community Church, Colorado, USA


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